

School Board Meetings

Regular meetings are scheduled meetings and advertised in advance with the schedule established at the organizational meeting. This is where School Board business is conducted. Regular meetings are open to the public and citizens wishing to address the Board may do so at the regular monthly meetings. A sign-up sheet listing name, address and topic will be placed at the entrance to the boardroom. Persons who wish to address the Board are requested to sign up prior to the start of the Business portion of the meeting.

In addition to regular School Board meetings, the Board also convenes in scheduled work sessions. The School Board holds work sessions to engage in dialogue and discuss specific topics in greater depth and are typically less formal. Work sessions are open to the public but no comments are accepted.

A special meeting is convened to discuss and/or vote on one or more particular issue that cannot wait for the next regular meeting. It can include virtual meetings, closed sessions, student discipline hearings, and any added meetings that were not previously scheduled. Other special meetings include the annual meeting, the June meeting held off-site, and also any joint meeting or training sessions for Board members.

In addition to citizen comment periods at monthly meetings, the Board will schedule Public Forums and Public Hearings. Such forums and hearings will be announced in accordance with the Code of Virginia.

Unless otherwise noted, meetings will held at York Hall, 301 Main Street, Yorktown, VA, on the following schedule:

Dates and times subject to change.

View the School Board Meeting agendas and minutes through BoardDocs