


YCSDigest - March 13, 2025

Posted On: 3/13/2025

Operating Budget Update

During the March work session, Chief Financial Officer Bill Bowen provided the School Board with an update on the school division’s annual operating budget for FY25 and FY26.

The General Assembly approved a one-time bonus for positions funded through the Standards of Quality in FY25, which would require at least an additional $500,000 from the current operating budget. As the governor has not yet approved the bonus, staff will provide an update on the proposed bonus once the governor takes action.

Mr. Bowen also noted a reduction in student enrollment predictions since the initial presentation of the Superintendent's FY26 Proposed Operating Budget, resulting in changes to anticipated revenue and expenditures. Therefore, the division will only need to add 12 new teaching positions next year instead of the originally proposed 16.

The General Assembly's adopted budget provides additional revenue for:

  • restoring support positions now included in the Standards of Quality (SOQ) formula,
  • increasing special education funding,
  • providing compensation supplements for new SOQ support positions, and
  • expanding at-risk funding.

If approved by the governor, these adjustments could significantly reduce the division’s budget shortfall compared to earlier projections.

Staff will continue to monitor pending state action from the governor and General Assembly through March and April. The finalized budget will be presented to the School Board at its May business meeting.

2026-27 Calendar Survey

The School Board approved the 2025-26 student calendar in February, which means initial planning for the 2026-27 school calendar is now underway. Changes to state law allow school divisions across the state to open up to 14 calendar days prior to Labor Day. In 2020, YCSD shifted to starting the school year one week prior to Labor Day and shared that further evaluation and consideration for using the full 14 days to maximize instructional benefits would be evaluated in future years.

To assist the division calendar committee’s work in evaluating start and end dates for the 2026-27 school year, families, students and staff are invited to participate in a brief survey by Sunday, March 23.

Take the Survey Now

Digital Wellness Event for Teens and Families

Join the York County Council PTA and the York County School Division for the Create with Kindness program. This interactive event helps students (grade 8-12) and their families engage in meaningful conversations about digital responsibility and well-being. The first 100 families to register will receive a gift certificate upon arrival. Reserve your spot by registering today! Together, we can help students stay safe and have positive online experiences.

When: April 29, 2025
7-8:30 p.m.

Where: Grafton Complex

Register today

EngagedIN YCSD

Imagine the impact you could have on a student’s future simply by sharing your knowledge and career experiences. The YCSD Career Connections team invites you to become an EngagedIN partner to help inspire and guide students on their career journey. By sharing your expertise, you can provide students with real-world learning experiences.

Opportunities to get involved include:

  • Guest Speaker/Career Day Exhibitor
  • On-Location Facility Tour
  • Mock Interviewer
  • Mentorship/Internship Provider
  • Industry Career Panel Member
  • Entrepreneurship Course Mentor

Take the first step today and join our collective commitment to ensure all students are valued, supported and challenged through learning experiences which prepare them for a successful future.

EngagedIN Registration

Community Announcements

The York County School Division offers local businesses and organizations the opportunity to share information with students and families regarding educational/enrichment activities, events and opportunities, which are available to YCSD students or support division programs. These flyers are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the York County School Division or the schools but are provided as a community service for our families.

Community announcements can also be found on the division website and each school's website.