


YCSDigest - December 13, 2023

Posted On: 12/13/2023


Superintendent's Report

York County School Division (YCSD) Superintendent Dr. Victor Shandor has provided two updates on the division’s response to recent incidents of staff misconduct resulting in assault charges, stressing the division’s commitment to our core value of providing safe, secure and caring learning environments for all students.

Over the course of the last few weeks, Dr. Shandor has communicated with all staff to reinforce the behavioral expectations when interacting with students, led the development of mandatory review sessions for all staff in conjunction with the York-Poquoson Sheriff’s Office, and established a task force charged with reviewing laws, policies, regulations and procedures.

The task force, made up of staff, family and community representatives, will begin work in January, with regular updates to be provided at School Board meetings. Dr. Shandor’s comments to the community can be viewed on the division’s YouTube channel, at the beginning of the November and December monthly meetings.

Competitive Grant Awards

Throughout each year, YCSD identifies and secures grant funding to support the mission of ensuring every student is valued, supported, and challenged through learning experiences, which prepare them for a successful future. In the last few weeks, the division has been awarded more than $700,000 in competitive grants aligned with the division’s priorities and core values.

School Security Grants: $523,182

These funds will be used for school security equipment, such as cameras and lockdown systems, and support the division’s core value of providing safe, secure, and caring environments that support the whole child.

Instructional Grants: $225,800

These funds support our Future Ready Graduates priority by creating engaging educational experiences which activate students’ curiosity and critical thinking skills in math, literacy, computer science and watershed education.

School Readiness Grants: $29,500

These funds are used to assist students experiencing homelessness.

Budget Awards

The York County School Division (YCSD) finance department has once again received budgeting and financial reporting honors this year. The Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) was awarded the Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting Award from the Association of School Business Officials (ASBO) and the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Award from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA). This marks the 25th consecutive year YCSD has earned the recognition.

The ACFR reports financial activity for a fiscal year as well as the organization’s end of the year financial position in a standardized format used by all state and local governments. The ACFR awards are the highest form of recognition awarded in the field of governmental financial reporting.

Earlier this year, ASBO named YCSD a recipient of the Meritorious Budget Award for the Fiscal Year 2023 Operating Budget. This award reflects YCSD’s commitment to sound fiscal management and budgetary policies. It is also the highest recognition awarded by ASBO for meeting stringent program requirements.

Community Announcements

The York County School Division offers local businesses and organizations the opportunity to share information with students and parents regarding educational/enrichment activities, events and opportunities, which are either available to YCSD students or support division programs. These flyers are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the York County School Division or the schools, but are made available as a community service for our families.

Community announcements can also be found on the division website and each school's website.