


Bingo for Books

Posted On: 7/13/2023

family sitting at a tableBingo, books, and bringing families and the community together is what the Bingo for Books elementary family engagement event was all about on July 12 at the Yorktown Library. With over 100 guests in attendance, YCSD students and families adorned their bingo cards with colorful dots and when an enthusiastic "BINGO!" was called, the winning student received a free book of choice.

With a wide variety of books to select from, students were able to read their book to the therapy dogs present at the event. Many of the elementary schools in the division partner with the Therapy Dogs of the Peninsula during the school year in a Paws to Read program. The dogs are certified as emotional support and therapy dogs and enjoy listening to students read books aloud.

As BINGO numbers were called, reading specialist Angela Reeves modeled strategies for decoding, spelling, and reading comprehension for families to support literacy at home. She involved our future ready graduates to help explain to their parents how to tap out the sounds in a word and how to spot and dot the vowels to break a word into syllables.

By hosting the event at the newly renovated Yorktown Library, families from all over the division were able to access a night of fun and learning. Many families remained at the library after Bingo in order to register for library cards and check out books. Through a game of chance, free books, and community partnerships, the Bingo for Books event further exemplified the division's collective commitment to student success.