


Strategic Plan Feedback Session

Posted On: 3/14/2017

Earlier this school year, the York County School Division embarked on our long-term strategic plan development process. The initial phase of that development consisted of a series of community and staff focus group sessions to identify areas of instructional, operational and financial focus for the next five years.

Through activities and an online survey, participants helped establish key themes and provided suggested objectives for the next strategic plan. The information collected during these sessions is now available on the FY18-22 Strategic Plan Timeline page of the division website. Division staff responsible for developing objectives to meet each of the strategic plans five overriding goals have used this extensive feedback to develop draft objectives for the new plan.

All community members are invited to review and analyze the draft objectives developed from that initial stakeholder input. This stakeholder session will take place at Tabb High School from 6 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, March 28.

To ensure ample materials are available for all participants, those interested in attending are encouraged to email the division by Monday, March 27, at