


Dare Elementary and Bethel Manor Elementary Skype with Local Author

Posted On: 2/6/2015

June Jones and Susan Willard, Educational Technology Facilitators (ETF) from Dare Elementary and Bethel Manor Elementary schools co-developed a Skype session that brought nine fourth and fifth grade classes together for a blended learning activity. Classes from both schools met Roberta Wiatt, a local author of children's books from Gloucester, via Skype on January 30. The ETFs provided copies of two of her books in advance so that students and teachers could prepare for the Skype session by reading the books and generating questions for the author.

Miss Wiatt shared how her ideas and characters developed for those books, entitled The Feast of the Least Beast and When Daffodils Ran Free. In addition, she shared information about the writing process and discussed what it takes to get a book published. Students interacted with the author during a question and answer period.

After the session, teachers followed up with the students about what they learned about authors and the writing process. It was a perfect blend of fourth and fifth grade English and technology SOLs with a focus on writer's workshop skills.