


YCSD Students Chat with Hillary, Chelsea Clinton

Posted On: 4/18/2014

Several Grafton High School (GHS) students and EXTEND students from each middle school were selected to participate in a live Skype conversation with Hillary Rodham Clinton and Chelsea Clinton. The York County School Division (YCSD) was one of just four locations in the nation chosen to participate in the No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project chat. The project looks at progress women and girls have made in the last 20 years. YCSD students had the opportunity to ask the Clintons questions and share their own stories.

The students were selected after collaborating earlier this year to bring awareness of gender inequality in developing countries to the attention of the community. The ‘Girl Rising’ documentary was shown at the Grafton Complex auditorium on Tuesday, March 11. Students sold t-shirts, displayed art work, gave speeches and presentation, and brochures to an audience of over 300. Through ticket sales, donations and t-shirt sales, more than $2,000 was raised to donate to the Girl Rising Fund.