


STEM Grants at Tabb High School

Posted On: 10/11/2013

The Tidewater Chapter of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Director Ed Crosby presented a $3,000 grant to Commander Gary Wooten for the Cyber Patriot Team and Mrs. Joyce Kuberek’s Weather Balloon project.

CyberPatriot is the premier national high school cyber defense competition created by the Air Force Association to inspire high school students toward careers in cyber security or other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines critical to our nation's future. Commander Wooten has assembled a Tabb High School team of cadets to participate in this year's events. The team will be competing in cyber related events involving hacking prevention and internet security.

Students in Mrs. Joyce Kuberek's chemistry classes will be applying their STEM skills and resources to implement a successful weather balloon launch and retrieval. The grant money will buy a weather balloon and equipment for experiments to be placed in a payload that should rise 100,000 feet into the atmosphere. Students will use probeware (purchased with grant money) to send and record data from the weather balloon. They will determine the balloon's flight path, descent and projected landing spot in order to recover their experiments. The launch is planned for late April.